Iodine therapy based on molecular modeling

Maintained by Hols-Matsudo clinic

Iodine therapy based on molecular modeling

Cancer removal method and cancer treatment

Did you know that cancerous cells can be shrunk, or even eliminated, by administering Iodne solution during cancer therapy? This is expected even in advanced stage of cancer.

Many patients undergoing therapy here (most of them already in terminal stages of cancer), and many others with incurable illness, are becoming aware of Iodne soloution.

What is Iodne solution?

It has recently become understood that iodine can have various functions. It has already been put to practical use in leading areas of industrial technology, and it has gradually been attracting more and more attention.

Iodine has been used in clinical applications to the human body for a long time. But its application in the area of cancer treatment, specifically, its effect and ability to fight cancer cells, have only recently become clear. Our clinic conducts basic research and treatment of cancer using iodine solution.

The following kinds of people would be very much interested in colloidal-iodine.

  • The patient is given a life expectancy term.
  • All possible types of treatment have been tried with no success.
  • The patient doesn’t trust folk medicines.
  • The patient is looking for other effective types of treatment.

6 factors where colloidal-iodine excels over other treatments

  • Identifies and targets cancer cells.
  • Leaves non-cancerous cells untouched.
  • Activates metabolic functions and immune systems.
  • Chances of adverse side effects are very low.
  • Chances of body developing resistance to the medicine is no existent.
  • Dose not accumulate in the body.

There are certain bodily reactions that are known to occur during colloidal-iodine treatment depending on each patient. These reactions may be seen as adverse side effects, but infact they are normal reactions to the treatment and are temporary in nature. These reactions are;
fever, rash, diarrhea, swelling of lymph node, pain in specific areas, sudden increase in tumor-marker

Comparison between colloidal-iodine and conventional anti-cancer drugs.

Initially, conventional anti-cancer medicine does have a considerable amount of power in fighting cancer cells. However, at the same time it also degrades liver and immune system functions, as well as causing harm to normal body cells. As a result, it degrades its own effectiveness in fighting cancer cells.

On the other hand, colloidal-iodine does not harm normal cells, but instead increases the cell’s natural healing power and improves its normal functions.

Cancer treatments nowadays each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
In this clinic, we thoroughly educate the patient on his/her condition and together find the

For those who wish to know more

Although Colloidal Iodine is well known for its safety and outstanding therapeutic effects, it’s overall and detailed chemical processes are not.

Regarding Iodine, Mitochondria, and cancer cells

There is a medicine called Cardiodine (cardio: heart, dine: iodine) which is generally administered to patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease. This medicine, which is a compound of the radioisotope Iodine-123 and fatty acids, is intravenously injected in the patient’s vein. About 15 to 30 minutes after injection, the Iodine undergoes radioactive decay and emits gamma rays which are detected and imaged using scintigraphy.The compound is absorbed by the body cells as it travels throughout the body. When the compound reaches the heart, it is absorbed by the mitochondria in the heart cells.Mitochondria is a source of energy for a cell, so the effect of the Iodine on the cell’s energy generating activity will be shown on the scintigraphy results.Heart cells that were damaged by acute or chronic Myocardial infarctionsuffer a decrease in cell activity, and thus cause the density of gamma rays to decrease during scintigraphy.

In cancerous cells, the functionality of Mitochondria is severely deteriorated, and the degree of deterioration has a direct correlation to the degree of malignancy (metastasis or infiltration) of the cancer. Also, abnormal metabolism (overuse) of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Mitochondria causes damage inside the Mitochondria (Mitochondria becomes severely swollen), especially on the membrane.
In my professional opinion, Colloidal Iodine,with its strong reductive properties, has the power to regulate, and thus renormalize, Mitochondria’s metabolism of ROS.In the clinical stage, the anti-tumor properties of Colloidal Iodine (the ability of iodine to shrink or eliminate tumors) have been clearly demonstrated. But whether this is due to iodine’s reductive properties is only a hypothesis and still an area that needs further research.
It is believed that Iodine has the power to remove cytokine created during interactions between normal and cancerous cells.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to consult a physician regarding colloidal-iodine treatment, feel free to use our mail form. Your personal information will be kept safe and used only within Holos-Matsudo clinic.

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